3 Tips For Negotiating Alimony

After going through a painful divorce,the last thing you want is to stress over arrangements for alimony payments. Couples who take time to discuss this matter in a calm and collective manner are more likely to come up with agreeable terms they’re both happy with. When negotiating alimony payments,consider the following:

Alimony Laws in Your State

Take time to review alimony laws in your state so you know what to expect concerning alimony support. Your can walk you through the alimony process so you understand the legal aspects of spousal support where you live.

Collective Financial Assets

In order to determine a fair alimony settlement,both spouses should be fully aware of their collective financial assets. If you will be receiving alimony,you should know what financial resources your spouse has available for facilitating payments. If you will be paying alimony,you should be aware of the financial resources your spouse has on hand in order to determine how much support to provide for ongoing needs. Being upfront with this financial information can make it easier for you to negotiate a fair alimony settlement.

Future Financial Need

The goal of alimony is to help a spouse meet financial obligations and maintain a decent standard of living after a divorce. When negotiating alimony payments,couples should discuss these financial obligations and needs,taking into account the recipient’s health and welfare,living accommodations,job opportunities,etc. Alimony payments should also align with the paying spouse’s financial resources so as not to put him or her under undue pressure financially.

As a couple,you may need outside help in determining a fair alimony settlement. Your divorce or family law attorney can provide impartial counsel that can help you make wise and fair alimony decisions. Working with a trustworthy attorney could be the key to success in negotiating alimony.
